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Primary Academy

We Are All Equally Different



Ethos, Values and Mission Statement

Gladstone Primary Academy is a school where every child is a valued individual, where everyone ‘aims high’ and where ‘lifelong learning’ is valued and promoted. We think of our school as an exciting place; one that is continually being developed and improved by staff, governors, children and parents.

Our school is unique in that we offer a bespoke Nurture Provision called the 'Den' and this practice is embedded in all that we do at Gladstone.


The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils is at the heart of all that we do. We celebrate that ‘We are ALL Equally Different’; celebrating pupils’ (and staff) talents and aptitudes across a wide range of subject areas. We believe that is vitally important to provide our children with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which is inclusive for all whilst encouraging children to develop resilience and tenacity and aim high at all times.


The school ethos underpins these aims by fostering a bright, stimulating, exciting and welcoming learning environment where everyone shows respect for one another, whilst valuing diversity and rewarding positive behaviour.


For our Academy Aims please see the School Prospectus



