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Primary Academy

We Are All Equally Different




Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


The contact for our Chair of Governors, Mrs Rachel Davies is;


Gladstone Primary Academy Governing Board


Mrs R Davies - Chair of the Governing Board

Trust Appointed Member with extensive experience working in the Early Years as a teacher and Foundation Stage Leader. She is a member of the Literacy Working Party and is our Safeguarding Link Governor and a Headteacher Performance Management governor.


Mrs C Bartley – Vice Chair of the Governing Board       

Trust Appointed Member, a member of the Mathematics Working Party and Safeguarding Link Governor. Headteacher Performance Management and former Chair with over 30 years experience in governance.


Mr E J Irons – Trust Appointed Member                                                      

Member of the Science Working Party, a former Vice-Chair of Governors and specialising in finance and experience in health and safety. Mr Irons is also a trustee of the mental health charity Changes Health and Wellbeing.


Mrs S Rammell - Trust Appointed Governor

Well-being Link Governor and over 40 years experience working in education, specialising in Early Years and Community development


Mrs L Kelly - Trust Appointed Governor

Pupil Premium Link Governor. Mrs Kelly has a background in education having worked in a middle school in Staffordshire until her retirement. She has experience in governance and has close links with our local parish church, St Mary's and St Chad's Anchor Road.


Ms K Walker - Trust Appointed Governor

SEND Link Governor. Ms Walker has a background in education having worked at the former Woodhouse Junior School / Gladstone Primary School since 1981 until her retirement in 2015. She has a specialism in the creative arts and music.


Mrs C Annese – Headteacher     

Mrs Annese is the new headteacher at Gladstone Primary Academy having worked at the school since 2007 as the Deputy Headteacher. Having qualified as a teacher in 1996 she has worked in a number of schools across Stoke-on-Trent as a teacher and in middle and senior leadership roles.


Miss L Moorhouse - Teacher Governor. Miss Moorhouse has worked as a teacher at Gladstone since 2013 and has a specialism in Art and Design


Mr S Stanford – Associate Governor. Mr Stanford is Assistant Headteacher and SENCo and he has worked at Gladstone Primary since 2012 having worked at a number of schools in Stoke-on-Trent as a teacher and senior leader. 


Mr D Egginton - Non -Teaching Staff Governor. Mr Egginton is Gladstone's Senior Learning Mentor and has worked at Gladstone since 2013.



Mrs K Cotton – Parent Governor

Mrs Cotton is the owner of a creative wellbeing education company, where she educates individuals of all ages and needs while developing impactful projects and training programmes for organisations across the city. She has been dedicated to this work for the past 10 years. In addition, she brings experience in lecturing on Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Studies, alongside a background in community development, play, and youth work.









Governors meet twice per term, at a minimum. The Strategic Governing Board which consists of all governors meets in the first half term and the Full Governing Board meeting takes place in the second half term.


We also hold Strategic Days when governors come in to school to meet with relevant staff to discuss a specific area of enquiry. E.g. In the past they have reviewed the curriculum, Special Educational Needs, monitored books in the Core Subjects and spent a day reviewing attainment and progress.


 The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher meets with the Chair and Vice Chairs on a regular basis.
