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Primary Academy

We Are All Equally Different



British Values


Promoting British Values at Gladstone Primary School


The DfE require every school “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”


This definition of British Values is set out in the 2011 prevent Strategy and they have been reiterated and clearly identified in Ofsted Inspection handbook 2014.


At Gladstone we reinforce these values across the curriculum and through the daily routines of school life in the following ways:




Children have many opportunities for their views to be heard. The School Council has representatives from all classes from Year 2 to Year 6. The School Council members are voted for by their class and meet regularly to discuss issues raised by their class and to make decisions about events in school, charities to sponsor and aspects of the curriculum. They are always involved in the appointment of new staff and feed back to the Governors as appropriate. They recently had the opportunity to review our new school logo.


Class votes are taken relating to a number of issues.


Minutes of the School Council meetings are distributed to all classes and the School Governors.


We have close links with Jack Brereton, our Local MP who has visited the school on a number of occasions to talk to the children and led debates.


We take part in Local Democracy week in October, and have visited the Council Chamber and met the Lord Mayor of Stoke-on-Trent – as well as visiting the Houses of Parliament.


The Eco Council also has elected members from all classes. They meet to discuss developing the school grounds, energy efficiency and Green Issues. Our school has been awarded The Silver Eco Award.


During the Summer Term we have Team Captains for our 4 ‘teams’. Any Year 6 pupil is allowed to stand as a Sports Team Captain and elections are held.


During important National Elections – such as the General Elections and the recent E.U. Referendum – we hold our own elections in school.


The Rule of Law


The importance of laws at all levels is constantly reinforced through the daily running of the school and within assemblies. These include the expectations that rules / laws govern within the classroom or school situation as well as within the wider community and country.


Pupils are taught that the reasons behind laws is to keep us safe and to protect us, as well as the need for others to be linked to health and safety, expectations and moral issues.


Pupils are taught that they have responsibly to uphold laws and they realise through our Behaviour Policy that breaking rules has consequences.


We are fortunate to have links with Staffordshire Police and our local PCSOs are frequent visitors to our school. They visit the school to talk with individuals, groups or in assemblies about issues that pupils raise. We have also had two sets of pupils trained as Staffordshire Junior Police Cadets.


Individual Liberty


Within school pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment. Through PSHE and regular assemblies pupils are taught how to make safe choices and the importance of having their own rights and personal freedoms.


The whole school projects on E-safety, NSPCC Think PANTS, Anti bullying Ambassadors and Peer Buddies have all supported an open environment where pupils should feel safe to speak their mind and say ‘NO’ if needs be. Pupils have an awareness of how to seek help if they need to.


Pupils have the freedom to make choices about taking part in extra-curricular opportunities.


Mutual Respect


Pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others; all members of the school community treat each other with respect.


By raising an awareness of our community through finding out about the history, industry and the culture of the locality of Stoke-on-Trent our pupils learn about and understand about the community cohesion, collaboration and respect for others.


Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs


We follow the Stoke–on–Trent R.E. Syllabus and as part of this we teach three world religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. In addition to this assemblies and curriculum plans also include stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. We celebrate in school through displays, festivals, art, stories/literature and music from different parts of the world. We also visit places of worship also enhance pupils understanding and arrange a wide range of visitors from a wide range of ethnic groups.


At Gladstone we will actively challenge pupils, staff, parents and members of our school community if they express opinions that are contrary to fundamental British Values including ‘extremist’ or racist views.
