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Primary Academy

We Are All Equally Different




Admission Arrangements 2025-26

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


For details regarding our Admissions Arrangements please see Page 3 of the Prospectus


For Admission Arrangements click the links below.

Nursery Arrangements

Though we are an academy as part of the Societas Trust Multi Academy Trust parents still need to apply for a place at our Nursery through Stoke-on-Trent Local Authority as in the past. We have recently made some changes to how Nursery places are funded and places are now FREE, though conditions may apply.


We understand that this can be a little confusing. If you have any questions at all, please contact our Academy Business Manager, Mrs Suzie Hunter.

Reception Arrangements

Though we are now an academy parents still need to apply for a place in our Reception classes through the Local Authority as in the past. Please remember that even if your child is in our Nursery they are not automatically given a place if you are not in our catchment area. Please see our new Admissions Policy for further details.


We understand that this can be a little confusing. If you have any questions at all please contact our School Business Manager, Mrs Suzie Hunter.
