Welcome to the Gladstone S.E.N page
Our school SENCo is Mr Stephen Stanford who can be contacted through email on office@gladstoneprimary .org.uk
Gladstone Primary School has a firm commitment to the notion that we have both a responsibility and a desire to provide the best possible educational experience for all pupils. Every child must be afforded equality of provisions and opportunity regardless of ability, such that each is enabled to take maximum advantage of, and play as full a part as possible in all aspects of school life. Here at Gladstone Primary School we are fully committed to the inclusion of all pupils registered with us. As a school we pay full regard to the Governments Special Educational Needs code of practice and disability and equality legislation.
The S.E.N code of practice point 6.2 states ‘Mainstream maintained schools must designate a teacher to be responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision across the setting.’ This role is called The Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator. (SENCo) Here at Gladstone the teacher with that responsibility is the Assistant Headteacher, Mr Stephen Stanford. Mr Stanford has 13 years experience within this role and has achieved the national award of SEN Coordination.
This is Our School Offer
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